# Ruby version will output ruby 2.2.4p230 See also The basic syntax of the command is:
rvm commandoptions command rubytoactonThere are also RVM flags that can alter the behavior of RVM, which are given in a similar way to command options.
Additionally, since all processes run at the user level, a compromised ruby process cannot. Use of RVM rubies thus provides a higher level of system security, and therefore reduces risk and cuts overall system downtime. # Ruby version now queried from /var/www/.ruby-version RVM helps ensure that all aspects of Ruby are completely contained within user space, strongly encouraging safer, non-root use. For example, to set Ruby 2.2.4 as the default interpreter under /var/create a file named /var/echo "ruby-2.2.4" > /var/www/.ruby-version Setting versions as defaultĪ Ruby version can be configured as the default for a directory and its descendents by adding the Ruby version via. Default, in this context, indicates server default and not the default set via rvm use. Note: rvm list will report a different default from current. Use rvm use -default ruby-ver to set the default version for future logins. If Rubygems hasn’t been initialized yet for the given version, then gems will be populated. Ruby-head - #generating default wrappers. Ruby-head - #importing gemsetfile /.socket/ruby/gemsets/default.gems evaluated to empty gem list Ruby-head - #gemset created /home/myadmin/.rvm/gems/ruby-head To use a Ruby version for the life of the session, issue rvm use ruby-ver where ruby-ver is the ruby version: $ rvm use ruby-head $ rvm listĬurrent (=>) indicates the version that will be reported with ruby -version and default (*) indicates the Ruby version in effect upon login without issuing rvm use.
#List ruby versions install#
If a version that you need is missing, open a ticket and we’ll install it for you. Important: all commands are done from the terminal. 1.8 is deprecated and contains several unpatched security vulnerabilities as of June 2013. Important: Avoid using 1.8, except to shim an older application with an intent to upgrade. If you have projects that are not yet using Bundler you can install the rbenv-gemset plugin. Bundler is a better way to manage application dependencies. You can build and install Ruby yourself, or use ruby-build to automate the process. Currently, versions 1.8 to 2.2 are supported. Theres nothing to configure except which version of Ruby you want to use. This enables you to run multiple versions of Rack and Rails using any available Ruby interpreters. Newer hosting platforms, v6+, support multiple Ruby versions through rvm.