Gelatin then spots an emerald next to Four and suggests getting it, Barf Bag agrees. When Gelatin and Barf Bag make it out of the hole, Barf Bag hugs Gelatin. When Barf Bag scolds Gelatin for making a joke out of Donut's death, Gelatin just says that dark humor is the way some people cope with tragedy. He appears pleased when she is fixed, claiming that it calls for a celebration (playing in the BFDI's hot spring). However, he's the one with the idea to refill Barf Bag with the hot spring water. He does not seem concerned when Naily rips her open, draining her of her barf.

In " Don't Dig Straight Down", Gelatin uses Barf Bag to cushion his fall off of a tree in the Buried Forest, Deciduously Insulated. In " Questions Answered", when Fries tells Gelatin to eat someone else's innards, Barf Bag is the first person he goes to. During the challenge, Barf Bag, Gelatin, and Spongy work together to swing quickly. Gelatin disagrees, saying Team Ice Cube! goes hard. In " Why Would You Do This on a Swingset", during the challenge, Barf Bag says to take it slowly. While ranting at Four, Gelatin refers to Balloony as the one Four harmed by pulling his fingers. In " Chapter Complete", Balloony votes Gelatin to win. = Back From Beginning", Balloony scolds Gelatin for not being able to tell the difference between him and Blocky. Gelatin then removes the paper and realizes what he meant. The Announcer says he was trying to preserve his feelings by making him believe the vote was a lot closer than it was. When the winner is revealed, Gelatin notices that a piece of paper was placed where his votes should be.

In " Chapter Complete", Gelatin and Flower aren't sure what to say about the grand cake, even after the Announcer says that he spent all day on it. Gelatin asks if the BFB is still up for grabs, but the Announcer says no one will be winning that either. In " SOS (Save Our Show)", Announcer cancels BFB and claims that it's unfortunate that no one will win the BFDI. At the end, the Announcer gives him a chance to explain why he should stay, but is cut off since he only had a moment to do so. He gets mildly upset for getting such an easy question after he struggled for so long on the first one, nonetheless he thanks the Announcer anyway. Gelatin answers yes and is allowed to proceed.

Eventually, Gelatin asks for a new question and the Announcer allows this and asks "Am I gray?". During the challenge, Gelatin gets held up a long time during the quiz show as the Announcer's favorite number keeps changing. Despite never meeting the Announcer before, Gelatin is shown already favoring him over Four. The Announcer then clarifies that he really doesn't know where he went, and Gelatin awkwardly replies "Oh. The Announcer says I.D.K and Gelatin laughs thinking that must be a box named after an acronym. = Back From Beginning", Gelatin asks Announcer where he sent Purple Face.