Stacks of would-be independent splatter flicks just like Cabin Fever litter rental shelves and used racks, but what makes Roth's film special is not the stomach-churning prosthetics - although they are impressive - but his devilish desire to keep upping the ante, to keep the audience on their toes. Although the Saw series would successfully desensitize me to blood and guts, food coloring and corn syrup are easy to buy and hard to use well.
#Cabin fever 3 dvd release date movie
Six years later, revisiting the film on a newly-minted Blu-Ray disc (a tie-in with the long-delayed sequel Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever), Cabin Fever is still my favorite horror movie of the decade, having been the film that propped open the genre door for me. I had no idea what to expect, but Cabin Fever is bloody, clever, and off-the-wall from beginning to end - in other words, exactly the kind of film one wants to watch in that setting. At the time, my obsession with movies and my love of horror films were still in their formative stages. On one of these nights, my friends and I entered a Hollywood Video, and left with two movies: the astonishingly bad direct-to-video horror movie Death Factory, and Eli Roth's Cabin Fever. When I was in high school, my favorite weekend pastime was to head over to a friend's house, grab some pizza, and watch movies until the next morning (shocking, I'm sure).